Names such as Bob & Judie Smith cause problems with conflict checking, and marketing
Sam: IMO, I would create an entity that is for the shared thing for both of them, with an email that goes to an email they both share, and create an individual person for each of them associated with the entity to show the relationship. But... I can understand why it is simpler to just enter what was entered, and maybe sometimes it is just easier to do that when they don't need anything terribly complicated.
Jennifer: I think the couple thing is pretty common. When we have pulled client lists in the past from CC for communications it comes up consistently in family law and estate planning matters. It its even more challenging with someone has a different last name like "Kurt Johansson & Margo Fairlamb" mentioned above. Makes it somewhat impossible to send an email unless we go through each one of those type of contacts and "figure out" who the email actually belongs to based off the name being in the email. I do have a few ideas to fix it moving forward:
Add character limits to first and last name fields
Ban the use of "&" or "/" in name fields (you could also do a combo of 1 and 2)
Create a rule that tells attorneys that communications will be addressed to the first word/last word in the "first name" and "last name" fields