
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


Timecards will be paused after 6 hours if left running
Enforcing Batch Invoicing - removed ability to specify “Don’t Allow”
Matter -> Documents now opens DMS (Sharepoint) in a new tab
Auto disabling client portal and setting single invoice option for all matters tagged as MetLife
Matter category and subcategory filters work on csv export, added Matter name to csv
People csv export added State and Zipcode
PNC status modifications
  • Matter marked as Closed if a consultation is closed
  • Return to Previous Stage fixes
  • "Consultation Cancelled" -> "Consultation Scheduled", matter state changes from "Closed" to "Consultation", "Consultation canceled reverted" note added
  • "Client Signed Fee Agreement" / "Client Signature Pending" -> "Consultation Held" matter state changes from "Open" to "Consultation", "Fee agreement signed reverted." note added
  • "Did not retain" -> "Consultation Held" matter state changes from "Closed" to "Consultation", "Did not retain reverted" note added
Removed ability to save and approve an invoice with 0 line items
Account Balance caching (pre requisite for Evergreen Trust Replenishments), database work is done, with balances being recalculated whenever a transaction completes. Front end will still calculate in real time and we have logging in place to verify shown balance = cached balance, This will be tested for a few weeks (or more if needed) then update the front end to use cached balance.
Csv imports
  • People and Matters can be imported from All People / All Matters, click the folder icon and select “Import Matters”
  • Invoices, Timecards, and Expenses can be imported in Organizational settings, but require Admin permission, please submit a ticket in Request Hub for help
Mobile friendly
  • We have reworked and fixed many screens to be mobile friendly, while desktop is the optimal way to interact with Clever Case, it is now useable on a mobile device.
Cost Invoices
  • There is a new matter billing setting (Individual Invoices = Amount Due) available. Selecting it and then downloading an invoice for the matter, the amount due will be what is due on the specific invoice (not any outstanding matter balance) and the payment link is updated to be a payment link specific to pay only what is due on that invoice.
Bug Fixes
  • New timecards on matters without time delay resolved
The following changes are included in this release.
Timecard Widget improvements
  • Play / Pause and current running timecard duration in header (details on hover)
  • Current running timecard always at the top
  • Pinned are always above Recent
  • Timecards sort newest to oldest
  • Person name is a link
  • Hover includes timecard description
Finance ability to schedule recurring payments
  • View Matter / People -> Accounting -> Recurring Payments
  • If a client has a
    Stored Payment Method
  • Ability to schedule (Billing Frequency)
  1. Weekly
  2. Every Other Week
  3. Monthly
  • Can repeat for (Billing Duration)
  1. Total number of payments reached
  2. Total dollar amount reached
  3. Until a specific date
  4. Ongoing
Dashboard Quick Links at the bottom of each section
  • Recent Matters -> Go to Recent Matters
  • My Time This Week -> Go to My Time
  • Recent People -> Go to People Index
  • My Tasks -> Go to My Tasks
  • Events -> Go to Calendar
Dashboard formatting
  • Matter Description and Categories increased width (NOTE: you can hover over any field to see full text)
  • Events formatting consistent with Tasks
Naming Standards – “Your” is now “My”
  • “Your Aged Receivables” -> “My Aged Receivables”
  • “Your Rates” -> “My Rates”
  • “Your Time” -> “My Time”
  • New / Edit Timecard Matter Description and Categories no longer truncated.
  • Notifications formatting: In Settings -> Notifications if you have “Web” checked for any notifications you can see them by clicking the “Notification” bell in the header and clicking “View All Notifications” at the bottom, the formatting was broken and is now resolved.
  • Quick Add and Notifications formatting when on calendar page no longer partially hidden
  • Client Role is now set with Trackdrive integration (Gravis Only)
  • Invoice font size increases to improve legibility
  • Database server upgrade to increase memory available
The following changes are included in this release.
  • Matters -> Recent Matters will show all Matters that you have recently viewed
  • Matters -> My Matters will show all Matters an attorney or paralegal is on
  • Invoices -> Summary cards for Billing Information, Invoice Information (Dates and balances) and Matter Information
  • Matters, People and Timecard sorting is always newest to oldest (sometimes currently it will flip to oldest to newest)
  • Ability to batch invoice expenses only
  • Improvements to account transfer search for Finance
  • Added Direct Manager field for Clever Case users
  • Client Portal, ability for clients to do the following
  1. View invoices
  2. View Trust balances
  3. Pay invoices
  4. Make trust deposits
  5. Change communication and billing preferences per matter
Clever Case -> HubSpot one way Sync (Gravis Law only)
Timer changes
  • As a logged-on user only one timer can be running at a time, if one is running and you start another the first one will be paused.
  • Timers that are left running over 12 hours will be paused and the billing user will be notified.
Client Invoice PDF - Show trust balance (if enabled) even if no payments have been made
Prefix and Suffix fields added for people records
Removed “Create Single Invoice” from People page (it wasn’t working)
Matter rate ranges
  • Fee agreements often have a range of rates for a given role, you will now be able to set a rate range in Matters -> Invoice and Settings -> Matter Specific Rates, by selecting “Range” in the Rate Type field.
Matter Filter for Practice Area (Matter Category) and Matter Sub-Category
Rate Report: As an attorney the ability to view my custom rates across all my open matters, so I can tell if there are rates that i need to adjust as part of a rate increase
Client Portal, ability for clients to do the following
  • Change communication and billing preferences per matter
  • View invoices
  • View Trust balances
  • Pay invoices
  • Make trust deposits
  • NOTE : This is disabled by default, we will be setting up some training meetings over the next couple of weeks, if you are interested in learning more please reach out to me.
This release has quite a few things under the hood, including:
  • QuickBooks Online
    , allowing you to synchronize invoices, clients, and payments with your QuickBooks account.
    This is not on by default, and we’re looking for a couple firms that want to use it and provide feedback.
    If you’re interested, please contact support and request access.
  • Cleaner Tables! We’ve streamlined the pages for People, Matters, Invoices, and Time to give you cleaner data and less left<->right scrolling. Matters with more than 2 clients, or more than 1 subcategory will have a hoverover that shows you all the details.
  • Time charts for matters: You can now open a matter, go to Time, and see at a glance how much time has been billed vs not, as well as how much time is across different categories (billable, non billable, etc)
  • Simpler balance card, which hides some of the rarer balances if they’re $0, like pending totals.
  • When you’re editing an invoice, we now have a “Save and Approve” button to simplify your approval process. No more saving, going to the action … icon, and hitting approve!
  • If trust accounts have $0 of trust, you won’t be prompted to apply funds when you’re approving invoices
  • Fixes an annoying bug where you couldn’t view more than 25 invoices for a specific matter
  • Invoices that have a trust transfer will only appear in the trust transfer workflow if they’ve been sent out, preventing you from rejecting an invoice but already having funds transferred
  • It further finalizes our Client Portal, allowing registered clients to view their bills, make payments, and top off trust. We’re looking at a pilot with a few customers later in the month, so I’ll follow up later in the month to find any volunteers.
  • Other minor fixes around punctuation in names, spelling fixes, and the standard security updates
This release adds a few small features and a bunch of fixes, including:
  • Invoices will properly have the status of “Sent” when they are sent to the client, not when they have been exported. Unless you have the “3rd Party Export” feature turned on with Xero, invoices that are approved will show up in your “Print and Email Invoices” page
  • If an invoice cannot be delivered by email, it will now show the status “Failed to Send” (in addition to the email to the primary attorney, which it already does)
  • You can now tag people, much like how you can tag matters.
  • Small improvements in how things look, including a lefthand tool bar that scrolls with the page and improved filter pane
  • Your tabs/favorites/history in the browser will now have a better name for what page you were on, instead of just saying “Clever Case”
  • Import instructions for people have better instructions for formatting phone numbers
  • PDFs of invoices will show proper dates for when expenses were charged (instead of showing the date the invoice was made) and remove the date for additional line items
  • Phone numbers will be formatted in USA format (XXX-XXX-XXXX) and be clickable to dial in Teams for more pages
  • Password security is improved, requiring a 10 character password for all new passwords (old passwords will not be impacted)
  • Improvements to the invoice search (under filters)
  • You can now get a referral link if you want to tell other firms to use Clever Case
  • Gravity Legal is now renamed to be Confido Legal
  • Fixed numerous bugs around invoice due dates, emailing invoices with a manual PDF, roles now requiring a unique name, timecards not showing matters in the search if they’re consultation, and more
This smaller December release (Dec 13) is mostly focused on some bug fixes and minor enhancements, just to hold you over until our next major release. Specifically:
  • Batch approval of invoices will apply trust if any exists
  • You can now move expenses from one matter to another (if they’ve not been invoiced yet)
  • Fixed a bug where a new timecard might not allow you to pick certain matters in the search
  • If a new matter is created and there is not a consultation (and you choose existing client) the matter will default to Open. This will not change matters that were already created.
  • In the Matters and Your Matters page, you can now filter for matters where “Batch Invoicing Disabled”. This will let you find matters that you might have disabled batch invoicing (thereby keeping it from generating new invoices each month).
  • Expenses on a matter can now be exported into a CSV file
  • Single history entries will now be formatted consistently, and buttons to load more history will not appear if there are not more history items to load
  • The help and support button will now point to the new Clever Case support pages, going live soon
  • Other performance and security updates
If an admin or finance user sends out an invoice via email, and that message “bounces back” from an invalid email address or a full mailbox, assigned attorneys and paralegals for that matter now get a new notification in your email!
If you receive this notification, your client or billing user did NOT receive their invoice. Please check their email address in Clever Case and see if it’s a simple typo, or reach out to the client for an updated email address. Once you update the email address, admins and finance users can resend the invoice from the "Print and Email Invoices" page.
Additionally, you’ll see a small triangle icon next to the email address in Clever Case if the email address experienced an error:
Alerts emails will look like this:
This release has really been focused on pain points we hear from staff. Changes to Clever Case include:
  • Statements! You can now generate a statement for a specific matter, or for a client for all their matters, by going to the “Financial Transactions” option in the navigation and pressing Create Statement. Statements give a full summary of all work they’ve had with your firm, listing each invoice, payment, and trust transaction. Trust and Hold Accounts will also have their own table for clarity.
  • Matters now have new statuses, and new abilities when you change between statuses! Matters will start as “Consultation” for new matters, and should be changed to “Open” once you’ve got that signed fee agreement. When you change a matter to “Open”, you will now have a screen pop up to confirm who’s assigned to the matter, categories, and billing preferences. There is also a “Pending Close” status for matters where work has completed, but the file has not been completely closed.
  • New matters will now default to having Trust enabled, so you don’t manually need to set “Has Trust” to Yes. This is only for new matters. If you have a matter that should NOT have trust used, please make sure to uncheck the trust checkbox for the matter.
  • The timecard widget in the upper right has received some TLC:
  1. My Timecards now prioritize sorting by newest first.
  2. Timecard Tracker now stickies the most recently stopped or started timecard.
  3. When more than one timecard is running, pausing will bring up all running timecards instead of pausing.
  4. Clicking the number of running timecards will now toggle through them.
  5. Added an unpin all button.
  • When making a new person or entity, the role will not default to “Parties” anymore. Instead, you’ll have a simple list to pick a required role before saving the person/entity.
  • Invoices printed and mailed to clients will now have a friendly message about talking to their attorney if they’re interested in receiving their bills electronically
  • Consultation matters now have a button to make a consultation invoice, allowing you to collect payment for a consultation with just a couple clicks.
  • A validator to make sure that email addresses are actual email addresses, to keep people from accidentally putting a phone number or other thing into Email. This prevents invoices from not being sent out because the email address is wrong.
  • Organizations can now sign up for Clever Case on their own! If you know an attorney at another firm interested in using Clever Case, you can point them to our sign up page.
  • The ability for users with admin or finance security to search for payments by transaction ID, Gravity Legal ID, or Xero ID in the Accounting Ledger
  • Fixes to our invoice PDF, including alternating dark and light lines and column formatting
  • An alert on the login page if your password is incorrect or your account hasn’t been confirmed on setup
  • Clearer language on a rejected invoice to let you know time will not automatically appear on a future invoice unless you remove the entries
  • Improvements to the history of matters and invoices, showing a clearer list and more details about changes
  • Fixes to the count of pending invoices, counters of how many items you have selected, and count of invoices on a matter or person
  • Improvements to sorting for time on Your Time and sorting for invoices
  • Matters will now default to email billing, instead of being blank
  • When taking some actions like cancelling or starting a timecard, you occasionally would get a message that say “Continue Anyways”, which is not correct to say. Now says “Anyway” – thank you Malia!
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