• New Dashboard Components! These will let you see:
  1. The five most recent payments have been received on matters where you are an assigned attorney or paralegal (over the last 7 days)
  2. Your time for the week, across all matters
  • Speed improvements when searching by name for a person/entity
  • Marking a matter as “Consult Held” now defaults to the date/time the consult was scheduled, not when you clicked the button (you can override if the consult was held at a different date/time)
  • Voided invoices will show a strikethrough on the invoice list
  • Approving an invoice when a matter is flagged as “Has Trust” will now take you straight to the alert, instead of asking you if you want to apply trust first. If you don’t want to apply trust, you can click “do not apply trust” in the lower left of the box
  • Better message when an invoice has been rejected
  • New consultation invoices will now appear in invoices list (and in the balances). This is already live, but we’ll start using it today.
  • More bug fixes around invoice payments and invoice creation