Timecards will be paused after 6 hours if left running
Enforcing Batch Invoicing - removed ability to specify “Don’t Allow”
Matter -> Documents now opens DMS (Sharepoint) in a new tab
Auto disabling client portal and setting single invoice option for all matters tagged as MetLife
Matter category and subcategory filters work on csv export, added Matter name to csv
People csv export added State and Zipcode
PNC status modifications
- Matter marked as Closed if a consultation is closed
- Return to Previous Stage fixes
- "Consultation Cancelled" -> "Consultation Scheduled", matter state changes from "Closed" to "Consultation", "Consultation canceled reverted" note added
- "Client Signed Fee Agreement" / "Client Signature Pending" -> "Consultation Held" matter state changes from "Open" to "Consultation", "Fee agreement signed reverted." note added
- "Did not retain" -> "Consultation Held" matter state changes from "Closed" to "Consultation", "Did not retain reverted" note added
Removed ability to save and approve an invoice with 0 line items
Account Balance caching (pre requisite for Evergreen Trust Replenishments), database work is done, with balances being recalculated whenever a transaction completes. Front end will still calculate in real time and we have logging in place to verify shown balance = cached balance, This will be tested for a few weeks (or more if needed) then update the front end to use cached balance.